NO. 9066

In the aftermath of the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, Gerald Horito and his family find themselves torn from their homes, their freedoms stripped away by Presidential Executive Order No. 9066. Interned in a desolate camp in the Utah desert with thousands of other Japanese Americans, they endure the harsh realities of suspicion and prejudice; their spirits weighed down by loss and despair.

But for Gerald, the tragedy of losing his grandparents in the unforgiving winter of the camp ignites a fire within him. Fueled by grief and a sense of avenging rage, he makes a daring decision: to escape and seek justice on his own terms by sabotaging America’s secret project in Los Alamos, NM.

In this gripping tale of injustice, Gerald must navigate treacherous waters of loyalty, identity, and honor to uncover the truth within himself.

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